Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's a New Day!

Feeling needed today? How about validated? I believe both are necessary ingredients in experiencing a healthy self image, an image likened unto our Creator's.

I recently read of a mother who, bless her heart, took her own life. Being a mom personally, yet not knowing the specifics of this woman's circumstances, I want to say, " I feel her pain".  Life can be tough, and apparently this dear woman couldn't and didn't find a healthy balance.

 We've got to realize, remember and remind ourselves that God gifts each of us with many qualities and talents.  Don't compare!  There is only one you!  He has specific assignments designed for each us that only we can fulfill.  Problem is, we sometimes don't feel needed or validated by those were ministering to or by those closest to us.  Truth is though, when that occurs the intensity of the emotion seems amplified simply because...we're not looking in the right direction.

Hey, I'm not saying I have it all together, sometimes it's quite the opposite.  Sometimes the mountain of negative debris  the enemy has strewn in my way seems impossible to surpass.  But "nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37)!  Stay in His word, change up the schedule a bit,  breathe in His life afresh and anew.  Baby steps are better than no steps here! 

Okay, so for starters today, if you are a child of God and still breathing, your life is necessary!  His very Spirit resides in YOU! He wants you know and to share His love with others.  And two, what more validation do you need?  You are a vessel fit for honor! WHATEVER your hand finds to do, do it heartily as unto/for the Lord! (Col. 3:23).

In Christ, you are: FORGIVEN, WORTHY, VALIDATED, NECESSARY, LOVED! Ready then?!  Me too! It's a new day!