Monday, July 30, 2012

What's Your Giant?

This morning  I felt saddened and overwhelmed at the effects of sin in the world. My heart was burdened for myself, family, friends and those whose lives face the giants of depression, fear, and addictions.  We all, in a sense and at times, have become enslaved to their lies.  For what felt like too long, the barrage of sorrow seemed both relentless and endless!

But the Lord brought His comfort to my spirit.  Wiping the tears from my eyes, I opened up His word and He led me to 1 Samuel 17.  Mmm-hmmm, the account of David and Goliath!

Saul said to David: 33-- "You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”  Well, doesn't that just ring with encouragement? Not!

Listen, David had experience with God!  He knew of His faithfulness and His ability to deliver: 37--"The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

Friend, what is your 'Philistine'?  May I encourage you to stand against the enemy who desires to steal(from), kill and destroy you? Don't give him the satisfaction of leaving you on the curb!  Take up the shield of faith, and move forward!

As I read on, I began to personalize the scripture. I placed MY name where David's name is recorded.  I read it like this:

45--David (LINDA) said to the Philistine (HER ENEMY, ie. fear, depression, addictions, etc.), “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46--This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47--All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 

To restate the last portion of this passage:  "...for the battle is the Lord's...".  When it's His glory that we want to reflect and reveal, I know He will bring the victory!!  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Share the Love

Ahhhh, the great outdoors!  We drink in the beauty of God's creation on a consistent basis.  But in all of it's charm, we also have a great respect for how things operate in His world. 

 For example, we wear shoes to protect our feet from possible injury. When we're going to be spending a great deal of time in the sun, it's best to wear some form of sunscreen.  In our region, not that we experience cold temperatures often, but when we do, we put a sweater on to alleviate the chills. 

So when we as a family or when the kids are going to be in the great outdoors, the expression most often used is, "be careful!"  

But how about when we get together with friends, family,or associates?  Are we just as conscientious and thoughtful?  I mean, the proverbial throwing of 'sticks and stones' can actually hurt even those who are considered the strongest of people.   I too, like to think I can handle rejection for the sake of personal convictions.  But it can be a hard,lonely place.

I know the that God loves me and that I'm significant to the One who matters most, but getting 'poked', to use a Fb term, isn't always a pleasant thing for anyone. 

God is our Maker. That is the one thing we have in common with everyone.  We all stand in need of grace and forgiveness.  If you've experienced that grace and forgiveness for yourself, why not share it with others?  If you've been on the receiving end of a cutting remark or some other form of rejection, God knows.  Let Him fill in the holes...truly, only He can.  Too, pray for the offender.  They need to know that they are loved and significant, not by putting others down, but because God loves them as well.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Not Just Your Ordinary Pancake

This morning I chose to make our family's favorite pancakes for breakfast. They're taken from a recipe I found years ago. I've made them so often that I don't even have to refer to the recipe anymore.  I have it memorized. I'm pretty sure you have a few family favorites like this as well.

 After breakfast I, along with the children, like to open God's word, the Bible, to read a portion and ponder it for the day. But today I decided that the booklet we usually use to assist with family devotions, was a little more than what I felt the kids could relate to.   So taking the immediate example at hand of our favorite breakfast, Psalm 34:8 came to mind.   It reads:

"Taste and see that the Lord is good;  blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."

This became our verse for the day!  Like the yummy pancakes our family loves so much,  we need to 'taste and see that the LORD is good"!  Ultimately, even more so!

Nothing compares to His justice, His fairness, His mercy, His love, His grace, His wisdom and the host of other superlative characteristics that make up who He is.  Seriously, don't we all cry for justice when a murderer is finally taken into custody?  We long for life's situations and circumstances to be fair, don't we?  And, how about when we make a legitimate mistake,  grace is like a welcomed friend.  I think you'd agree too that to be loved is much more desireable than not (being loved).   Even in those times when we must make a decision.  Don't we want to have all of the information necessary before acting on a premise?  Sure we do!  And yet, as many good, earthly examples that we've been blessed to have, they tend to wane in light of His.

Inwardly, we honestly desire God and all that He is.   Some may call it a God-vacuum that nothing but God can quench or fulfill.  Our ultimate longings can only be met by tasting of the Lord.   By allowing me to compare my family's favorite pancakes to try and describe the goodness of the Lord,  will you then take into consideration the incr-edible satisfaction of what knowing Him is like?  I hope so!  A good starting place to become better acquainted with the Lord's delicacies (His character) would be His love letter to you, the Bible. It is filled from cover to cover of accounts of how He interacted with those who called on Him in times of need.

Now, I understand that you may forget the analogy of my family's favorite pancakes, and that's okay.  What matters most is that you take that step to open His word and sample for yourself the goodness of the Lord...blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!