Sunday, May 12, 2013

On Being... Mom

From almost the very day of conception a mother's body is well aware of the life that is now growing inside of her.  Our bodies change and even take on a new shape, as if we were ever content with the one we started with! Ha!  Diet, exercise, sleep patterns, daily chores and routines take on a whole new meaning both during and after pregnancy. 

From what seems like the endless changing of diapers, to strolls in the park, and using silly voices for story time, to driving, dating, first jobs, and college entrance, being a mom, I've gained tremendous insight into how IN-capable of success I really am!  That is, without God's welcomed hand of mercy upon my life.  And oh, how I've regularly welcome His presence and mercy!

Being a mom is never a job that one can just quit when you get tired of either.  Once a mom, always a mom.  Oh, I've wrestled with the possible prestige, wealth and fame I may have received had I chosen some other occupation.  But the Lord confirmed to me that, Linda, for you, My plans are the best.  Earthly fame and wealth fade.  The lives that I've chosen to come through your womb are eternal! 

I am blessed to be called "mom".  The world's view of being a mother is sometimes marred due to perspective, or the lack there of.   For instance, graying hair could  represent the signs of aging, but for me, they represent every prayer uttered on behalf of my children.  The extra pounds? They're from the fun times we spend lingering around the table together, the dark circles under the eyes are from staying up late playing UNO rounds with the younger kids while waiting for older children to arrive safely home.  No, I don't have time for the gym, but instead I create an outdoor classroom of gardens for the lessons of life, etc.  

It's not about me and being a mom.  It's about, somehow in all of my weaknesses, helping others to taste and see that the Lord is good <3

Warm wishes for a day filled with  clanging dishes , laughter ringing out, and conversation on the porch!  After all, these are the things life is made of!   Happy Mother's Day!  

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