Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Little Things

I USED TO THINK THAT the Fruit of the Spirit was only shown while doing "spiritual" things like preaching or becoming a missionary! Very respectable positions indeed!

But there are in fact, innumerable ways that the fruit of the Spirit shows up in the life of a believer who truly seeks to know and bring glory to the Lord. Why, today alone our basket was filled to overflowing! 

Here's what I mean: 

1.) By pressing shirts, preparing meals, and feeding the pets shows that we LOVE one another.

2.) We reJOYced with a friend in celebration of her birthday ♥ We brought her flowers and candy. 

3.) Those members of our family eligible to vote, did so...that shows FAITHFULNESS to our fellow countrymen and a desire to uphold PEACE, if only for the time being.


4.) After grocery shopping the family helped to bring the parcels in from the van...that was very KIND and GOOD. (I only purchase dark chocolate candy for my sweet tooth...that's SELF-CONTROL! =D) 

See? It's not too difficult to catch a glimpse of His hand in our lives. We have only to acknowledge the little things. After all, isn't it the little things that seem to matter most? Even as we lay our heads down to rest after a long day, He will GENTLY remind us that our LONG-SUFFERING in this life will one day be rewarded. 

Deuteronomy 4:29 "But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."


  1. Thank you for such a new perspective on how to notice the little things!

  2. Margie...Not sure how new the concept is, but I love to be an observer of God's presence in the little things of everyday living. Maybe that's because not too many BIG things happen in my life! LOL! God bless you and thank you for your comments!
