Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Broken Trust = Opportunity For Growth

One human characteristic that is taken for granted most often and yet depended upon much is, TRUST. 

We only will call upon 'trusted' friends for advice, a 'trusted' doctor for an ailment, and a 'trustworthy' mechanic (I know one--message me!!) for our car repairs. Even when selecting a park bench to rest on, would we choose one that looks rickety? I should say, probably not.

But let that trust, faith or confidence be fragmented or fractured in some way, and so begins the breakdown of a once good relationship. At best, not what it was before the offense.

The times we experience the disappointment of a broken trust in relationships dear to us, we are actually given the opportunity to see the UNCHANGEABLE trustworthiness of God! (Heb. 13:8)
When we see the imperfections of our humanity in ourselves and in others, we too are given the opportunity to exercise FORGIVENESS. Yes, it's a sacrificial kind of love. Easy? Not really. Essential? Yeah!

♥ ♥ Be encouraged today, there is purpose in ALL the struggles on our way to becoming more like Him! No, we won't be perfect (and neither will the other person) until we reach heaven, but we've got the most compassionate and understanding example and all the help necessary to mend what has been's found in the person of Jesus Christ! (Rom. 8:28,29)

Pressing on in His name!

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