Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are You Troubled?

27 “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name.” (John 12:27,28)

These words were spoken by Jesus Christ shortly before His death on the cross. Do His words surprise you? This is God's Son. Why was He 'troubled'?  While He walked on this earth with the covering of human flesh, He remained without sin and yet for the many One had to die.  He took our sins upon Himself...God hates sin.  Do you see a connection forming?  Jesus quite possibly was dreading that momentary separation from His Father for the act that what ultimately would actually bring His Father glory!

As His followers, Jesus is our supreme example of the image we are to eventually become.  Each day, each hour, minute and second offers us ample opportunity to choose whether or not we will allow Him to fashion us into His likeness.  But like our Lord, are you 'troubled', or do you fear when you sense that God is reaching for the proverbial 'sandpaper' to start the re-construction of an existing ungodly thought process, attitude or character flaw?  Just so you know, I'm right there with you!!  When God reveals those parts of me that are not bringing Him glory,  my first response is one of shame.  But He quickly wraps His loving arms of grace around me as I seek His mercy.  It is then that I can say, "Let the work begin!  Demolish those useless parts in me and fashion them anew!"

Is there a personal struggle that you want to be spared of?  Do you sincerely want to please the Father? You are in a good place!   Friend, if Jesus could acknowledge His feeling of being 'troubled', can you not also?!  But will you, like Jesus, allow God's purpose of glorifying His name work it's will through your current trial?  Who knows, maybe your example will lead others to do the same!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

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