Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Expectations, Are They Really Worth It?

‎"We have to let Truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us." ~ Beth Moore

It's interesting how one statement like the one above can trigger a rush of thoughts to come to the surface and flood my mind with memories and the emotions associated with them. Ashamedly, I've chosen to believe numerous lies in my lifetime that I tragically thought were truths. For example, I believed that when I prayed to God He would always respond with a yes answer.  And that if I would only try harder, I could make my parents, family, employer or friends happy.  Here's a good one, that because I've placed my faith in Jesus Christ my life would be easier. Ha!

These lies were just the tip of the iceberg to the many lies I chose to believe for many years. I didn't fully realize that my own expectations were standing in the way of God's purposes and plans! It  led to much sorrow which in turn caused me to blame God when things didn't work out the way I thought they should have. Question:  Do I really know better than God?  Let me just say that I am here today, as living proof  that clearly I DO NOT!

In more recent months I've been challenged to daily confront whatever source of information that comes down the pike with the purifying Word of God. I'm choosing to trust Him in the dark, for as long as it takes for me to realize that the 'green pastures' and 'still waters'  that He leads me to, as recorded in Psalm 23, are nothing like I could ever think of or imagine !  Every day is a gift from His hand regardless of the circumstances that come with it.  He's planned it all just for me and...for you!  So buckle up, hold on tight and stand ready to be amazed!! He is God!

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