Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our University Experience

Due to unusual heavy traffic this morning, what should have taken Gina and I twenty minutes to get to the University of South Florida, took an hour! We guessed there must have been an accident on the interstate that caused such a back up on the back roads.  But we were relieved to have made it to the campus on time, as Gina had an exam to get to.

Little Clayton and I accompanied Gina to school today so that we could then drive on to the airport from there. Gina was headed to Washington, DC for a prayer and worship event hosted by David's TentDC.  While walking in the direction she motioned and encouraged us to go in to reach the campus Starbucks, I was pleased to witness so many young people deciding to further their education! So young and full of life!  My prayer was that as their knowledge increases, may their love for the Creator do so as well.  We all have heard stories of how young people's faith has been tested when they enter college and whose lives unfortunately run a-muck.  But thank God for ministries like Campus Crusade, Intervarsity and others who offer studies and fellowship that maintain and even bolster faith in our young people.

Well, after walking for what seemed like miles (when you're wearing heels, it's always too far) anyway, we reached our destination!  We joined many students partaking of their morning cup joe as they peered into the screens of their laptops.  It amazes me that the information that used to be compiled in so many books can now be researched through one source...the internet!  Do you remember the Encyclopedia Britannica??  Volumes of information!  Yup, it's all online. How cool is that?!   But there's just something about holding a book in my hands that I still kinda enjoy.  Granted, some of those books were ginormous!

We finally got to sit down at a table to enjoy our breakfast goodies!  One toasted cranberry/raisin bagel and a Venti with a shot of hazelnut for me, and chocolate milk and a doughnut for the little man!  Delightful!  It made our already favorable University experience even that much more pleasant indeed!


  1. What? You didn't tell me this when you got home! A good post all the same.

  2. Lindy, I think writing about things helps me to remember better! I think you have the whole story now. :)
